Take this course if you really care about your donors and prospective donors. You will become more knowledgeable, more trustworthy, and more sensitive in your communications. You will feel more confident as you follow these proven steps to creating or expanding your major gifts/planned gifts program. If you want to be successful as a fundraiser, take this course for the best results! You will know where to put your efforts. The course is well-paced and fun! You will be amazed at Lynda's experience and knowledge.
~Lynne S.
Take this course to get more than a basic understanding of Planned Giving. It cuts through the forest of planned giving to give the student what they really need to know. Lynda is not interested in wasting anyone’s time. She welcomes interaction. It is not every day that you get the privilege to learn from someone who has not only done this stuff, writes about it, offers sessions on it and is still working in it!
~Bernie S.
I enjoyed the class because it is easy to understand, as stated in the title “Plain English Planned Giving”. This course is great for those that are either just starting out on their planned/major giving program, or those that have had their program fall to the wayside over the years. Lynda has a lot of great information to help anyone where ever they are in their planned and major giving programs.
~Jenny S.